Back and Book

Hi everybody, I know it's been a long time since my last post and I apologize for that. Personal matters kept me from doing it, I hope you can all understand. But I'm back hoping to be able to keep posting like I did before.

Remember when back in March I posted about a photo shoot?? Well, at that time I couldn't give any information away but now I can....I'm very honored to announce that my work it's been published in the book "Perfect Porches: Designing Welcoming Spaces for Outdoor Living by Paula Wallace, founder and president of SCAD. I always admired Mrs. Wallace and I'm flattered by the fact that she picked my work for her book. Thank you so much Paula and a big thank you too to all the people involved in the process...

Amy Zurcher, Director of shopSCAD.
Chia Chong, Photographer
David Busch, Stylist
Anna Burgard, Director of Industry Partnerships at SCAD.

You can pre order it by clicking ">here... Thank You!


How fabulous! Congratulations...can't wait to see inside! Tracey xx
Caio Fern said…
this is a book i really want to see Maria Fernanda .
Mafe Molinari said…
Forgot to mention the release date is March 2, 2010.

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